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Tuition and Fee Information

5 students around table collaborating Student looking through microscope
an art teacher and a student painting

Committed to Equity

For Browne, equity is more than a sentiment–it's a mission. Our tuition model has been structured to provide a quality private education for as many families as possible. To learn more about our commitment to equity and diversity, view our DEIB page.

a science teacher and student confer over a microscope

Debuting New Flat Rate Tuition

Browne Academy was founded as an affordable, integrated school underpinned by our core value of community. We stay true to this mission by having a flat rate tuition structure. Tuition includes costs related to employing highly qualified teachers; curriculum purchases, classroom supplies, providing educationally relevant field trips; and maintaining our beautiful campus. Tuition also supports technology at each grade level, including the use of an Apple MacBook Pro in the Middle School that the students retain at graduation.

Kindergarten students coding VEX robots in the innovation center

Year-round Opportunities for Preschool and Junior Kindergarten

Browne Academy strives to make life easier for busy families. We know the importance of an educational environment for young children as a foundation for future academic success. We have found, however, that many families understand the importance of early education and would love to attend Browne, but struggle to decide between a traditional school calendar and the need for 12-month care. Therefore, those enrolled Preschool 3 and Junior Kindergarten families who pay for Aftercare until 6:00 PM for the school year will be eligible to attend eight weeks of the next Browne Summer Camp session (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM) at no additional cost. We hope this offer eases some of the year-round logistical and financial challenges for families of our youngest students.

Tuition Model

2024-2025 School Year Tuition 
Preschool 3s & Junior Kindergarten Tuition
Kindergarten-8th Grade Tuition
Tuition Refund Insurance Plan (TRP)
(1.4% of tuition billed to your Blackbaud Tuition Management account. *Mandatory for all enrolled students.) Link to TRP information brochure.
Parents Association Fee (added annually, 1x per enrolled family, to Blackbaud Tuition Management account)$165
5th-8th Grade Mountain Campus Trip
8th Grade Trip (added to your Blackbaud Tuition Management account)$2,000
Extended Day Fees
Morning Care (7:00-8:00 AM)$1,785
After Care (3:15-4:15 PM)$1,785
After Care (3:15-5:15 PM)$3,570
After Care (3:15-6:00 PM)$4,890


Payment Plans Options & Financial Aid

Our Business Office works closely with families to help them budget for tuition and fees. The School’s payment schedule allows various options:

  • Annual Payment: Full payment of tuition and fees is due by July 15  If you choose this option, you will receive a $200 discount.
  • Semi-Annual Payment: 50% of total balance due by July 15 and December 15.
  • Installment Payment Plan: The 10-payment plan begins July 15 and concludes April 15.

Families have three options for paying their tuition and fees through their Blackbaud Tuition Management account:

  1. Automatic payment from credit or debit card (convenience fee of 3.12% will be assessed)
  2. Send in payment with mailed invoice (no convenience fee)
  3. Automatic debit from your checking/savings account (convenience fee of 1%, plus $0.30, not to exceed $2.50)

If you have questions about student billing, please contact Becky Todd in the business office at 571-451-1012 or by email at

Limited Financial Aid is available, please contact for more information on the application process.